Monday, August 17, 2015


In national sports news Geno Smith was punched in the face by Ike Enempali last Tuesday morning and suffered a broken jaw. National Sports Media couldn’t wait to take additional shots at Geno’s Character, Leadership and overall level of respect of his teammates. But lets cut the None-sense football fanatics ex players, coaches and football guru wannabee’s. Enempali was way out of line and by no means am I condoning violence…. however I can think of at least 20 quarterback’s I think probably deserve a good punch in the face or two. I’m only going to give you my top five quarterbacks I would jokingly like to see get punched in the face. Old News over and done with but lets get it out the way Mike Vick…. yeah lets marinate on that for a second…okay Tim Tebow…oh come on disregard his beliefs and faith the guy has had more opportunities then any scrambling quarterback in NFL history. Denver Broncos, New York Jets, New England Patriots and now the Philadelphia Eagles can you say give it up. Jay Cutler, Mr Pick six themselves however lets be honest he’s one of the most overpaid under achievers in the game. “ Not to mention ex teammate Lance Brigs said he thought about it on a few occasions. Tom Brady…besides deflating balls, spy-gate and being blessed with an outstandingly gorgeous wife successful career its hard to root for a guy who seams to have met zero adversity and challenges in life. Okay I’m exaggerating but if your not a pats fan its kind of hard to like this guy or have any sympathy for him when something bad finally does happen to him. #1 one on my list is Peyton Natural bobble head Manning. That’s right Mr. Overrated himself. Despite all the Touchdowns, hot reads, audible Peyton manning gets way to much credit and praise for being a football genius. Last I checked 5 year olds are playing football and reading a defense and changing a play in the huddle is something quarterbacks have been doing since the pro game took form. Its only in recent years control fanatic coaches have systematically allowed quarterbacks the freedoms that for decades quarterbacks like Ken Stabler, Willie Beamen and the first true goat Johnny Unitas. Obviously I’m joking I would never truly wish any of these guys with the exception of maybe Tom Brady and Tim Tebow however those guys are just not very likeable to me because their so damn likeable.

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